
Culinary Use of Licorice

Culinary Use of Licorice

Culinary Use of Licorice culinary use of licorice is considerable. Licorice is a natural sweetener and flavoring. It is used in confectionery, dried foods, beverages and many others.BackgroundLicorice is a perennial herb which has been consumed in cooking and...

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Licorice Root in Hindi

Licorice Root in Hindi

Licorice Root in Hindi licorice root in Hindi is known as Mulethi. It has been considered as an herbal remedy for many diseases like peptic ulcers, respiratory problems and many more.BackgroundLicorice is a perennial plant that is mainly found in south parts of...

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Licorice Candy

Licorice Candy

Licorice Candy licorice candy is really popular among consumers. It has special taste which has its own fans around the world. It is presented in different shapes.BackgroundLicorice is a traditional herb which has been consumed in cooking and traditional medicine for...

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